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Saturday, July 15, 2023


Psalm 91 (Haiku Poem)

By Glenda Reynolds

Living in shelter
Of Most High God Almighty
Your soul can find rest

I declare of God
He alone is my refuge
My place of safety

He will rescue you
From every trap and protect
From deadly disease

Shelt’ring you with wings
His promises, your armor
And your protection

Do not fear terrors
Of disease or disasters
Evils won’t touch you

When God is refuge
No evil will conquer you
No plague will come near

He orders angels
Protection for you always
They will hold you up

The Lord will rescue
And protect those who trust Him
Call and He’ll answer

God will honor those
Rewarding them with long life
Giving salvation



 by Glenda Reynolds

Women carrying spices
Bowed low before the angels
The Lord was not there.

Why look in a tomb
For the living among dead?
He’s come back to life!

Messiah would be
Betrayed, crucified, and then
The third day risen.

Peter ran there too
Seeing folded linen wraps
Only wonderings.

Journey to Emmaus
Two talk about Jesus’ death
Suddenly He’s there.

Then unrecognized
He quoted prophets’ writings
Telling of Himself.

Joining for dinner
Jesus blessed and broke the bread
Then He disappeared.

Their hearts strangely warm
Hearing scriptures on the road
Ran to tell others.

Disciples waiting
The Lord suddenly appeared
See His hands and feet.

The writings of Psalms
And Prophets must all come true
Then they understood.

Written that Messiah
Suffer, die, then rise third day
Salvation to nations.

Hands high, He blessed them
Rising into the sky and
Onward to heaven.

All filled with mighty joy
Worshipped and served the great God
Continued praising.