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Saturday, October 14, 2023

Lovers of Twilight (haiku poem)


By Glenda Reynolds 

I stared at faces

So diff’rent, so beautiful

I can’t look away


I looked at Edward

Our worlds did not coexist

Should be friends only


Edward persisted,

“I can’t stay away from you.”

Now I couldn’t breath


When I thought of him

His hypnotic eyes had me

Sheer magnetism


His face close to mine

Brushed his lips from ear to chin

I simply trembled


As I lay sleeping

I said his name, unnerved him

He heard and watched me


Truth made known to him

Resurrect being human

Lovers in meadow


Just Stand (haiku poem)



By Glenda Reynolds

As in Exodus

We flee an opposing force

Hope wav’ring each day


We’re in the middle

Between tyrants and the sea

With fear in our hearts


“Do not be afraid!

Stand still; see God’s salvation.

See tyrants no more.”


And God also says,

“The Lord himself will fight for

You, and just stay calm.”


Fix eyes on Jesus

When the seas are very rough

He is your captain


For He calms the storms

And He walks on the water

He’ll never leave you


Words I leave with you

“Be still and know I am God.”

Leave burdens with Him

My General Writing Process

I wrote this as a monthly challenge for my group at Writers 750 Good reads: Prepare to Write. See link below.

I would first like to address the journey for my published book. I have only self-published one book, and that was in 2012 Mayan World of Vampires. This was back when vampires were on the big screen and TV (Twilight and Vampire Diaries). It inspired me to write a paranormal romance novel. At the time, I had a coworker with two young daughters. All three of them would read chapters I wrote for this and gave me critiques. I wrote it for young adults. There was violence and adult subject matters, but no bad language or graphic sexuality. I also wanted to interject a subtle Christian perspective, basing this thought on Isaiah 40:31 “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint.” That is why I wrote about Brotherhood of the Eagle in my book. This is why the main character, Tez the vampire doesn’t drink human blood; he drinks the blood of large animals and large fish. The true villain of the story is a cursed vampire named Zafrina who had her beginnings in ancient Egypt during the reign of Pharaoh, Rameses II.

*As far as research, most of my research was done both before and during my writing. Wikipedia proved to be very helpful

Mayan World of Vampires has a wide range of characters, not only vampires, but young people coming of age, a holy man from the Brotherhood of the Eagle, ghosts, and an angel named Micah which means “Who is like Yahweh?” I made a list of the characters, using Mayan names with their meanings and their relationships. At the time I was a new writer and knew nothing about doing outlines. I was a “panser” at the time, meaning I wrote by the seat of my pants – not outlined. I would envision the scenes and then write dialogue and action. It was like a movie in my head that I put to words.

*I not only took inspiration from what I learned about the Mayan history and culture, but I took inspiration from music. I still have the playlist that inspired me. I took this cue from Stephanie Meyer when she was writing the Twilight Saga.

  • “Fading” by Decyfer Down, a heavy metal Christian song speaks of the transition of Tez the vampire. “Every single day a part of my soul is save me from what I’ve become.”This would be the main story theme if this were a movie.
  • “Deliver Me” by Sarah Brighton is about the main character Melanna, daughter of the king. She also had an antagonistic sister. And she was being forced to marry a demonic, abusive vampire; but there was a twist in events.
  • “Fight Inside” by Red is a heavy metal Christian song that reminds me of the blood lust of Tez who struggled to do good versus to give in to his vampire nature.
  • “Burn Back The Sun” speaks of the struggle of Tez, and the melody speaks of good times with his love, Melanna.
  • “Frail” by Jars of Clay speaks of their relationship and journey.
  • “Forever With You” by Decyfer Down is another song that cries out for a relationship, falling in love, “I want a lover to love and see what you see…here I am, forever with you”.

I have a half-written novel as a sequel that I’ve never completed, The Cursed Leviathan which is a ship that is commanded by Captain Jon “The Devil” Devon, a Jamaican vampire. I used YouTube videos to help me with Jamaican pronunciation and general speech.

For this sequel, I did type out a thirteen-point outline, although the outline is only half of the story. The timeline for this story is around the time that the Spanish occupied parts of the United States, primarily Florida. The Colusa Indians were living in Florida in my story. The villain Zafrina clashes with the Colusa Indians who happen to be shifters that change into cougars and alligators. (I took a hint from the Twilight Saga). I envisioned this novel coming to a climax of a battle between the Colusa/shifters and Zafrina’s bunch. Hopefully, an end of the curse for Jon Devon since a jealous witch cursed him and his love: in the daytime, his love turns into the ship’s masthead while he is forced inside his cabin; they cannot see or speak to each other.

I have mostly done short stories throughout the years since. I have added to a story theme using the same main characters that would make a young adult book, “The Enchanted Willow Forest” that all began with a story theme and prompts by Heather Schuldt. I really enjoy writing in the fantasy genre.



Saturday, July 15, 2023


Psalm 91 (Haiku Poem)

By Glenda Reynolds

Living in shelter
Of Most High God Almighty
Your soul can find rest

I declare of God
He alone is my refuge
My place of safety

He will rescue you
From every trap and protect
From deadly disease

Shelt’ring you with wings
His promises, your armor
And your protection

Do not fear terrors
Of disease or disasters
Evils won’t touch you

When God is refuge
No evil will conquer you
No plague will come near

He orders angels
Protection for you always
They will hold you up

The Lord will rescue
And protect those who trust Him
Call and He’ll answer

God will honor those
Rewarding them with long life
Giving salvation



 by Glenda Reynolds

Women carrying spices
Bowed low before the angels
The Lord was not there.

Why look in a tomb
For the living among dead?
He’s come back to life!

Messiah would be
Betrayed, crucified, and then
The third day risen.

Peter ran there too
Seeing folded linen wraps
Only wonderings.

Journey to Emmaus
Two talk about Jesus’ death
Suddenly He’s there.

Then unrecognized
He quoted prophets’ writings
Telling of Himself.

Joining for dinner
Jesus blessed and broke the bread
Then He disappeared.

Their hearts strangely warm
Hearing scriptures on the road
Ran to tell others.

Disciples waiting
The Lord suddenly appeared
See His hands and feet.

The writings of Psalms
And Prophets must all come true
Then they understood.

Written that Messiah
Suffer, die, then rise third day
Salvation to nations.

Hands high, He blessed them
Rising into the sky and
Onward to heaven.

All filled with mighty joy
Worshipped and served the great God
Continued praising.

Saturday, January 22, 2022

31 Days of October - Vol. 1

 This is the anthology that started it all. These are short stories submitted by various writers from Writers 750 group at Goodreads.

I had the priveledge of being one of those writers as well as doing the book cover, making the video, and helping to edit volume one as well as volumes two and three. My short stories are "Curse of The Incan Mummies," "Family Halloween Traditions," and "Two Men And a Van."

Book Trailer ~

Sunday, January 16, 2022

The Jacob in Me





The Jacob in Me

By Glenda Reynolds

Eternity. Whoever thought it would come so soon. I’ve always been a “rascal”, a modern-day Jacob, a trickster, an entertainer, and an occasional thief. When I was elementary school age, my family had already made up their minds that when I grew up, I’d be destined for jail. I admit it. I was a little devil.  That’s what happens when you grow up without a father, and your mother is holding down two jobs to provide for her family. That gave me an opportunity to befriend a mischievous boy who talked me into hauling large bags of toilet paper for TP-ing people’s properties. A policeman stopped and asked us what we were doing with all that toilet paper. My friend answered disrespectfully, and the cop hauled us in his police car. You can imagine what I put my mother through.

After graduating from high school, I joined the Navy. Discipline didn’t sit too well with me. I corresponded with my sister. She sent me one small cookie with a letter, probably payback from when I let the air out of her bicycle tires when we were kids. But I recognize a good joke when I see one. My Navy career didn’t go so well. I went AWAL twice and struck a commanding officer. The Jacob in me always came out. I was finally discharged.

I soon found my niche as a salesman. You know the reputation of car salesmen, right? That’s what I was. They called me “Samurai Sam” back in the day. I left the auto sales industry and gravitated to home entertainment sales. Home entertainment was and still is a lucrative industry. But the Jacob came out in me. I was caught stealing merchandise from my employer. My family’s vision of my future came to pass. However, they didn’t post flyers saying, “Have you seen this person?” They didn’t even know I was in jail until one of my friends made phone calls to raise money for my bail. My bail was posted and I was released.

I found employment in the same industry as a salesman. But the weekends were meant for partying which I was very good at. I was the life of the party. Give me Budweiser or Jim Beam whiskey, it doesn’t matter. After one of these parties, I was driving home on Highway 75 in Fort Myers. I’m sure I angered a motorist or two. My driving was horrendous. My truck collided with another vehicle causing me to be thrown from it.  While I lay there in the road covered in dirt and grit, an angel appeared next to me and looked down at me. Other humans who had parked on the side to come to my aid were oblivious to his presence. That’s because I was in between worlds.

“You are lucky, son. I’m glad I found you,” the angel said.

“I never told you to look for me,” I spat out. “What makes you think I’m so lucky? Does this look lucky to you?”

“You aren’t ready for heaven yet. God is giving you a second chance.”

I tried fighting against the message by pushing myself off the ground. This was actually my spirit doing the moving; my body lay still on the asphalt. The angel came closer and pushed me forcefully on my chest.

My eyes opened with a jolt caused by the electricity from the defibrillator used by the paramedic to get my heart to beat again. Yes, I was given a second chance. I almost blew it though, Jacob style.

I lived my life the way I wanted. I bragged about my financial success. I bought a boat and took my dog with me while I fished or mingled with other boaters on weekend getaways with lots of sand and surf. I was addicted to cigarettes and booze. The party was not complete until I was there to entertain which I did so well.

One day I checked myself in with a doctor after discovering blood on my pillow and on my face. It turns out I had throat cancer. The weeks that followed were filled with radiation treatments followed by chemotherapy. I lost significant weight. The pain was too great to continue as a salesman or to even speak to relatives on the phone. But in God’s mercy, people reached out to me, sending me devotional books and praying for me on the phone. I decided that I would no longer be a Jacob. I put my life in God’s hands.

But I died.

Months later, to my sister’s surprise, she found an old birthday card that I had sent her years ago. Of course, she had forgotten about it. She also found a Christmas card that I had sent during my time in the Navy. I had written in it how I regretted that we couldn’t watch each other grow into young men and women, that it hurt my heart. No, we can’t go back in time. We can only make choices for the future. But we will see each other one day in the greatest reunion that will ever be, in the presence of the Lord God almighty.